JWW Biography
“Multi-instrumentalist and sound artist Jason William Walton (otherwise known as JWW or MoonBladder) has spent the past thirty years building a name for himself as a cornerstone in the atmospheric and experimental metal (and otherwise) underground. Though primarily known for his work in seminal American dark metal band Agalloch, in which he spent nearly twenty years as their bassist, Walton's work in progressive metal band Sculptured, industrial act Nothing, bizarre sound collage project Especially Like Sloth, and a variety of other acts portrays this artist as a multifaceted and true creative. Most recently through collaborative effort Snares of Sixes, a MIDI cover of classic Rush song "Red Barchetta" morphed into a lengthy adventure through genre and deconstruction, but Walton's eye is constantly set on such freedom through musical and artistic expression. Nothing is accidental, and everything has its place in Walton's greater and ever-expanding artistic puzzle.” — Jon Rosenthal
“From legends Agalloch to “acoustic doom metal” outfit Dolven to Snares of Sixes to Self Spiller, Jason William Walton has proven himself time and again to be one of the most forward-thinking, multi-faceted, and engaging musicians in the heavy metal realm, period."
-Shawn Macomber for Decibel Magazine